Secure payment

100% safe online payment using CREDIT CARD through the PayPal circuit.

The website offers the best possible guarantees regarding e-commerce. Your personal data, your credit card number, the type of products ordered are all sent through the Internet in encrypted form (non-decipherable), and data are not directly managed by Antartidee, but exclusively by PayPal. This payment instrument allows credit card holders to provide their own sensitive data (name, card number and date of expiry) directly to the bank, not to the shop or service provider that manages it. When this payment method is selected, the relative form that resides in a safe server (using a 128-bit cryptography system with public/private key, fully safe for buyers) is used, requesting that you enter your credit card information. PayPal is in charge of transferring these data to international circuits (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, PostePay, Discover or Carta Aura) and to e-mail the client reporting when the transaction is complete. The result of the transaction shall also be sent to Antartidee, which will then proceed to ship the order as specified by the user In no case can Antartidee obtain the personal data described above.

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